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Tutoring of ERP of Customs and A-level enterprises construct

Time:2011-09-19 15:38Source:未知 Author :admin Click:
Project    : Tutoring of ERP of Customs and A-level enterprises construction
Type       : Management consultancy (special case service)
Industry    : Taiwan-owned, processing enterprises with materials imported by themselves
Background: A certain electronic company is a large Taiwan owned domestic enterprise which belongs to Jisheng Group. It located in Dongguan Huangpu district. This enterprise has strong operation concept and management ability, but the problem is that the culture differences between mainland and Taiwan processing industry Customs management. As a result, the ERP system can not be introduced into company’s customs affairs management as well as the daily producing operation. Facing the potential legal risk, the enterprise dare not apply for the A-level enterprise title in the Customs.
 In the second half year of 2005, this enterprise took our CAMC as their special consultant in charge of the customs affairs computerizing and A-level enterprise title establishing. As soon as we accepted this case, we appointed a group of experts to look in the problems and found out the solutions. After the research of different levels in the company, we safely concluded that this company’s information system, including business invoices, information, trading data, material consuming variety, delivery and receiving the goods, supply chain management, etc, are all deviate the ERP, thus caused the incorrect match between the customs manual with the bonded goods accounting in the warehouse, the accounting bonded business accounting and purchasing and sales accounting, which results in the different running tracks between the customs affairs dealing and the producing operation. Under this circumstance, the writing off the balance in the manual is an empty shell and the account-account balance is just like hanging in the air. The company can not find out an effective way to manage the interior management and the customs business.
Solution   : The main solutions are reconstructing the agenda of the customs affairs, improving the ERP system, deleting the historical problem and applying for the A-level Customs enterprise. The special services embrace: business agenda reconstruction, business authority alteration, business invoice design, improvement of ERP Customs information, softening of the historical problems, customs business management training, Customs files dealing and so on. With the project being completing, this company’s business operation forms a proper relationship with the finance, warehouse, production, purchase, sales and other departments. The Customs information is finally introduced ERP system, making the Customs affairs accounting walks side by side with the producing operation. It forms a scientific, systematic, professional and informative new customs affairs platform. In 2007, this company gained the A-level enterprise title.
Sharing     : Customs affair management computerizing is a complicate project which involves the both the enterprise’s exterior and interior different supply chains. It includes the import and export Customs declaration, material controlling, warehouse management, finance and foreign exchange tax accounting, business information sharing and other key business events. It’s not only the important foundation for the enterprise to realize the Customs network supervision, but also the effective way for the enterprise to protect from the legal risk, reduce the running cost and strengthen the competition ability.
Reduce operation cost,Mitigate regulation risk,Leverage competitive advantage TEL:020-83490788
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