1.Vision:makingtheenterprisesfullofvitalityandcompetetiveness 2.Values:honest,professional,efficient,fullofinnovationandsatisfaction 3.Culture:makingtheclientssatisfied,seekingincreasingperfection 4.S...
1. A member of the organization China National Professional Standard Experts Committee for Customs Declarants; 2. A member of ICMCI, China region; 3. A paticipant to draw up China National Professiona...
CAMC Customs Affairs Management Consultancy Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000. It is a top consulting management corporation with independent corporate capacity registered and approved by the government. ...
Address:Unit D, 13/F, Ying Zhen Building, No. 338, Huan Shi Rd. East, Guangzhou, PRC Code:510095 Network: Http://www.chinacamc.com E-Mail:service@chinacamc.com Tel and Fax: Tel:(020)83573382,83490...